
All schools now have the freedom to assess in a manner of their own choosing. At Abbey View, we use Target Tracker to track children's progress.


We have a strong focus on Teacher Assessment, with teachers using the Target Tracker software to identify where children are progressing well, and where the gaps in learning are.  We use language like below expected level, at expected level and securing expected level.


Children carry out at least 3 independent writing tasks in their writing assessment books each year and are assessed at the end of each Maths and Science unit with a low stakes test. This informs future planning.


In Reception, we assess children on entry (baseline assessment), and regularly through the year. Assessments are recorded against the statutory Foundation Stage profile using Tapestry software. This is regularly shared with parents through an app.


Statutory Testing

Year 1- Year 1 pupils do the Phonics Check in June with results given to parents in the end of year reports.


Year 2- Year 2 pupils take the Phonics Re-check if they did not meet the expected level in Y1. They also do a statutory Mental Arithmetic test, Maths test and Reading Comprehension test. They may complete a non-statutory Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar test as well. The results of these tests inform the Teacher Assessment result, reported to parents in the end of year report.